Artesis University College Antwerp - Department of Conservation and Restoration
Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen - Afdeling Conservatie/Restauratie
Artesis Research Projects:
- AcrylAge
- Contact-spons vs Karsten buis voor het bepalen van het waterabsorberend gedrag van steen:
vergelijkend onderzoek dmv micro-CT
- Neutronen radiografisch onderzoek van de waterabsorptie dmv de Contact-spons methode en Karsten buis
- Fysicomathematische analyse van het waterabsorberend gedrag afgeleid uit micro-CT en neutronen radiografieën
Ghent University - Research Unit Sedimentary and Engineering Geology
Universiteit Gent - Onderzoekseenheid Sedimentaire en Ingenieursgeologie
Water absorption in porous stone materials is one of the main causes of accelerated deterioration. Consequently the water absorbing behavior (WAB) is a significant factor for the stones conservation as it determines its probability to future deterioration. Additionally, changes in the WAB can be an indication of the degree of deterioration or the effectiveness of past treatments, e.g. a water repellent treatment. For in situ measurements of the WAB currently three methods exist: Contact-sponge method, Karsten Tube and Mirowski pipe.
In this research the focus lies on the validation of in situ applicable measuring techniques for the analysis and monitoring of the WAB of porous stone materials. In previous research the performance of the different techniques was compared to the performance of the normalised capillary rise method. This indicated that the results of the different methods are related since the WAB is correlated with the internal pore structure of the porous stone material.
Currently the WAB results obtained by the different in situ measurement techniques are compared by the visualization of the WAB by time-lapse X-ray radiography at UGCT (Ghent, Belgium) and neutron radiography at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Switzerland) and by comparison with different fysico-mathematical models describing the WAB.
Keywords: non-destructive analysis techniques, porous stone materials, water absorption, contact sponge, capillary rise method, Karsten pipe, Mirowski pipe.
A1 Publication: "Delphine Vandevoorde, Marisa Pamplona, Olivier Schalm, Yves Vanhellemont, Veerle Cnudde, Eddy Verhaeven, Contact sponge method: Performance of a promising tool for measuring the initial water absorption, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 10, Issue 1, January-March 2009, Pages 41-47."
Presentation and publication abstract at the IMA2010 Conference - ‘Monument Preservation Session’: “Vandevoorde, D., Cnudde, V., Dewanckele, J. & Verhaeven, E., Contact Sponge Method. In proceedings of the IMA2010 – Bonds and bridges: Mineral Sciences and their applications, 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, ACTA Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series - Volume 6, Budapest, 21-27 august, 2011."
Presentation poster and publication abstract at the ‘Jardins de Pierres’ Conference: “Vandevoorde D., Cnudde V., Dewanckele J., Boone M.N., Verhaeven E., Contact-sponge method: Monitoring of the water absorbing behaviour of porous stone materials. In proceedings of the Conference Jardins de Pierres: Conservation of Stone in Parks, Gardens and Cemetries, 14es Journées d’études de la SFIIC, Paris, Institut National du Patrimoine, 22-24 June, 2011, pp.386.”
Presentation at the EWCHP-2011 Conference: European Workshop and Training day on Cultural Heritage Preservation (26-28 september 2011, Berlijn) with Publication Paper “Vandevoorde D., Cnudde V., Dewanckele J., Boone M.N., Verhaeven E., Contact-sponge method: Performance compared with Capillary Rise, Karsten Tube and Mirowski Pipe. In proceedings of the EWCHP-2011 workshop and training day, Berlin, 26-28 september, 2011.”